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/ The CICA Windows Explosion! / The CICA Windows Explosion! - Disc 2.iso / access / mdbgu.zip / DEFAULT.FRT < prev    next >
Text File  |  1995-02-24  |  1KB  |  40 lines

  1. VERSION 2.00
  2. Begin Form <<formname>>
  3.    BackColor       =   &H8000000F&
  4.    BorderStyle     =   3  'Fixed Double
  5.    Caption         =   "<<caption>>"
  6.    ClientHeight    =   5805
  7.    ClientLeft      =   645
  8.    ClientTop       =   1035
  9.    ClientWidth     =   7575
  10.    ControlBox      =   0   'False
  11.    Height          =   6210
  12.    Left            =   585
  13.    LinkTopic       =   "<<formname>>"
  14.    ScaleHeight     =   5805
  15.    ScaleWidth      =   7575
  16.    Top             =   690
  17.    Width           =   7695
  18.    Begin CommandButton bForm 
  19.       Caption         =   "&Cancel"
  20.       Height          =   495
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  26.    End
  27.    Begin CommandButton bForm 
  28.       Caption         =   "&Ok"
  29.       Height          =   495
  30.       Index           =   0
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  33.       Top             =   5160
  34.       Width           =   1215
  35.    End
  36.    <<fieldcontrols>>
  37. End
  38. Option Explicit